Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ads: getting started

Advertising isn't really my focus. I think it's interesting, and I'd like to learn more about it-- but the jist of my advertising expertise is that ads focus on their consumer and deliver to that target with sex appeal, delicious looking food, promise to benefit, "you too can be amazing" etc.

Ads and Keri's life: Sometimes I notice it on TV (I hardly ever watch so that's minimal) or when I skip over ads in the paper or online news sources, I ignore it on other websites, I see it on billboards but it doesn't register etc. So for the next month or so I'm going to consciously see advertisements. I know they are all around me and I know they can effect, so let's see if and how they do.

Rereading that last paragraph I realized I am an example of the site's name- "Advertisement Overload." Is the reason I ignore or "don't see" these ads because there are TOO many? Interesting.


  1. Or, keri, do you really see the advertisements subconsciously and not realize it until you are suddenly hungry and that sonic ad with those two dudes and the rejection of the weak tot action (you know the one)that has been lurking in that hazy area of your mind suddenly jumps to the forefront and you have an insatiable craving for fried little lumpy potato things. Yeah what about that.

  2. Keri, do you know how to put a link in here? I noticed in your email and also on the blog you didn't put the websites as links. If not, I can help you learn. It's easy!

  3. Ha well Chuck, I actually don't know that sonic ad because like I said, TV time and tangible magazine/newspaper time is minimal if ever.. and I don't eat out either. So I guess I'm still living in cave land time. Amy- yes please:)
